Grace at Work

Grace Based Families


Grace at Work doesn’t claim that bringing grace to work will transform one’s workplace into a haven of kindness, but it does promise readers that grace will make a deep and personal impact on the people around them. And for those who aren’t thrilled about their current job, practicing grace at work offers a very personal benefit: a positive change in how readers view themselves, the God they serve, the people with whom they work, and the job they do.

Whether hourly employees or executive management, Grace at Work offers a plan for every reader to get more from their work than a paycheck as they learn to:

  • recognize the three inner needs of all people in the workplace
  • embody six character traits of grace at work
  • define success as true greatness beyond profits, power or popularity
  • encourage and empower colleagues to win at work
  • commit to maintaining equilibrium and margin in life and in work